Retrosheet Board Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ June 26, 1999; start time: 1:30 pm; adjournment: 2:30 pm Sixth Meeting of the Board (First with all members present) Present: Absent: David Smith, president None Sherri Nichols, vice-president David Vincent, secretary Luke Kraemer, director Clem Comly, director Non-voting attendees: David Nichols Doug Pappas Michael Schell Mark Pankin Tom Tippett Neal Traven Don Zminda John Rickert Marc Stephenson Arnie Braunstein Rob Neyer John Matthew IV Pete Palmer Brad Sullivan Vince Vaillancourt Phil Birnbaum David Stephan Lyle Spatz Dick Thompson Doug Stagner John F. Jarvis Bob Tiemann Paul Matthew Tom Ruane Victor Wilson Scott Fischthal Greg Spira Jerry Wachs Dixie Tourangeau Tom Howell Joe Dittmar Steve Mau Motions: Sponsor Purpose Result Nichols Adopt Agenda with change of 5-0 location from SF to Scottsdale Comly Accept 1998 Minutes as amended 5-0 Nichols Accept Nominating Committee report 5-0 Nichols Election of Board members David Vincent, secretary 5-0 Luke Kraemer, director 5-0 Comly Accept Secretary's report * 5-0 Kraemer Accept Treasurer's report 5-0 Nichols Accept President's report 5-0 Vincent Amend Policy Manual * 5-0 Nominating Committee Vincent To adjourn 5-0 * - separate document Other discussion: Old Business: Web site schedule program changed from box scores to schedules (will be running soon and request made for advice on next step) Tax-exempt status update (in process - expected this fall) New Business: NL Daily player sheets - a copy to be made from The Sporting News microfilm with permission of the NL; delivered to Dave Smith by Steve Gietschier; possible digitizing instead of another film copy Data release policy change (follow-up to "View from the Vault" in The Retro Sheet, vol. 6, #2) Nomination policy update (amend Policy Manual) Data release - 1984 through 1990 from Total Sports 1984-85 immediately 1986-87 10-1-1999 1988-89 Opening Day 2000 1990 All-Star game 2000 Other: Montreal scoresheets via FedEx contribute to high postage costs "Most Wanted" list on web site needs updating Missing games in 1960-70 era Data collection (request for help finding games in newspapers) Impending birthday of Secretary