Retrosheet Board Meeting, Long Beach, CA July 9, 2011; start time 2:00 pm PDT; adjournment 2:55 pm PDT Seventeenth Meeting of the Board Present: Missing: David Smith, president None Clem Comly, vice-president/treasurer David Vincent, secretary Luke Kraemer, director Tom Ruane, director Non-voting attendees: Peter Cottrell Jerry Wachs Bert Nyman Ron Selter John Lewis Jerry Kahn Bill McMahon Sheldon Miller Mark Pankin Jon Daniels Diane Firstman Jeff Watson Brian Rash Carlos Bauer Jim Satterly Cliff Otto John Shea John Gabcik David Cameron David Appelman Jack Zerby Vince Lauter Tom Nahigian Peter Yee Bill Nowlin Jacob Pomrenke Jim Gordon Rick Johnson Tom Bradley Dick Cramer Jay Walker Sean Forman Ron Weaver Herm Krabbenhoft Scott Fischthal Ron Liebman Dave Hughes JoLynne Vincent David Newman Colin Wyers Motions: Sponsor Purpose Result Comly Accept Minutes of 2010 Meeting 5-0-0-0 Kraemer Accept Treasurer's Report * 5-0-0-0 Comly Accept Secretary's Report * 5-0-0-0 Vincent Accept President's Report * 5-0-0-0 Ruane Elect Secretary (David Vincent) 5-0-0-0 Ruane Elect Director (Luke Kraemer) 5-0-0-0 Vincent Adjourn 5-0-0-0 * - separate document Other discussion Old Business: None New Business: Volunteer opportunities: Umpire biographical information Game account input Discussion None