Retrosheet Board Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
June 30, 2012; start time 11:00 am CDT; adjournment 11:53 pm CDT

Nineteenth Meeting of the Board

Present:						Missing:
	David Smith, president				None
	Clem Comly, vice-president/treasurer
	David Vincent, secretary
	Luke Kraemer, director
	Tom Ruane, director

Non-voting attendees:
Tom Heitz		Mark Pankin		Bill McMahon
Jon Daniels		Ron Selter		Karl Green
Tom Mullen		Mark Armour		Don Zminda
David Raglin		Diane Firstman		Dave Hughes
Dave Oar		David Newman		Cliff Otto
Dick Cramer		Steven Glassman		Lyle Spatz
Ron Haas		Art Neff		Bill Nowlin
Gregg Gaylord		Mark Sternman		Neal Traven
Ron Weaver		Sheldon Miller		Howard Johnson
Jim Sandoval		Bertil Nyman		Jack Carlson
Eric Thompson		Gary Frownfelter	David Lipman
David Alvarez		Peter Yee		Tom Howell
Ron Liebman		Bob Sawyer		Steve Elsberry
Peter Cottrell		Herm Krabbenhoft	Patrick Ruane
Joseph Ruane		Russ Lake		Scott Cummings
Sean Forman		Jack Stanton		Scott Fischthal
John Lewis		Colin Wyers


Sponsor		Purpose					Result
Comly		Accept Minutes of 2011 Meeting		5-0-0-0

Kraemer		Accept Treasurer's Report *		5-0-0-0

Comly		Accept Secretary's Report *		5-0-0-0

Ruane		Accept President's Report *		5-0-0-0

Vincent		Elect President (David Smith)		5-0-0-0

Vincent		Adjourn					5-0-0-0

* - separate document

Other discussion

Old Business:

New Business:
	Volunteer opportunities: ejections; microfilm copying

	Huge increase in game accounts in the vault since last year
	Additions to the website (years and data)
	Herm Krabbenhoft discussion of updated RBI data for Babe Ruth