Retrosheet Board Meeting, Conference Call
June 20, 2015; start time 11:00 AM am EDT; adjournment 11:48 AM, EDT

Twenty-second Meeting of the Board

Present:						Missing:
	David Smith, president				None	
	Tom Ruane, vice-president/treasurer	
	David Vincent, secretary
	Luke Kraemer, director
	Trent McCotter, director


Sponsor		Purpose					Result
Kraemer		Accept Minutes of 2014 Meeting		5-0-0-0

Ruane		Elect President (David Smith)		5-0-0-0

Vincent		Accept Treasurer's Report		5-0-0-0

Ruane		Accept Secretary's Report		5-0-0-0

Ruane		Accept President's Report		5-0-0-0

Vincent		Adjourn					5-0-0-0

Other discussion

Old Business:

New Business:
Web site discussion (content and format for player pages)
