The 1929 Negro League Season
Main Page for Negro League Baseball
For the 1929 season, Retrosheet has found 28 games involving major-league quality Negro League players.
Retrosheet has found box scores for 25 of these games.
These games break down as follows:
Official ANL Games: 4
Official NNL Games: 2
Inter-Racial Exhibition Games: 3
Retrosheet's release for the 1929 season includes the following teams.
American Negro League
Negro National League
Other Teams
American League All Stars (ALS)
Baltimore All Stars (ASB)
Lou Gehrig All Stars (ASL)
Brooklyn Royal Giants (BRG)
Nashville Elite Giants (NSH)
Pirrone All Stars (PIR)
Philadelphia Royal Giants (PRG)
Complete Game Log for 1929
Player Game Logs for 1929
Ballparks used in 1929
Download 1929 Season
Main Page for Negro League Baseball
Data are shown for games which have been identified by Retrosheet. Missing data are not shown. Negro Leagues data should be viewed as incomplete.
Main Page for Negro League Baseball