
The 1949 Indianapolis Clowns Game Log

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Date # Vis Home Type Site Result Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save Atten. Time D/N Box? 19490417 Game File IN9 BIR exhibition ATL04 L 6- 7 Bill Powell Peanuts Davis 5000 0 day y 19490418 Game File IN9 BIR exhibition BIR01 L 2- 5 Sammy Williams Harry Butts 19490419 Game File IN9 BIR exhibition BIR01 L 4- 8 2500 night 19490422 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition MNL01 L 3- 4 night 19490428 Game File KCM IN9 exhibition CHA03 L 1- 5 Gene Richardson Winslow Means Jim LaMarque 2000 0 night y 19490429 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition NOR02 W 7- 3 2900 night 19490503 Game File NY6 IN9 regular POR01 L 3- 6 Dave Barnhill Peanuts Davis 2000 0 night y 19490504 Game File NY6 IN9 regular POR01 L 3- 8 Raul Lopez Willie Cathey 1500 night 19490504 Game File NY6 IN9 regular POR01 W 8- 3 Raul Lopez Willie Cathey 1500 night 19490512 Game File IN9 PH5 regular WIL04 W 2- 1 Peanuts Davis Wilmer Harris 1200 151 night y 19490513 1 Game File IN9 PH5 regular PHI11 L 0- 6 Henry Miller Willie Cathey 8243 0 night y 19490513 2 Game File IN9 PH5 regular PHI11 L 4- 7 Gene Thompson Harry Butts Bill Ricks 8243 0 night y 19490515 1 Game File BIR IN9 regular CLE06 L 2- 8 19490515 2 Game File BIR IN9 regular CLE06 W 6- 3 19490516 Game File BIR IN9 regular COL05 W 7- 3 Jim Cohen Bill Powell night 19490517 Game File BIR IN9 regular ZAN02 W 8- 3 Manuel Godinez Sammy Williams 900 night 19490522 1 Game File IN9 CAG regular CHI10 L 4- 5 Theolic Smith Horace Garner day 19490522 2 Game File IN9 CAG regular CHI10 L 5- 7 day 19490524 Game File CAG IN9 regular DAY03 W 10- 6 Peanuts Davis Gentry Jessup night 19490525 Game File CAG IN9 regular ZAN02 L 4- 5 Gready McKinnis 500 night 19490526 Game File IN9 CAG regular MTV01 W 5- 3 Andy Porter Harry Rhodes 600 0 night y 19490529 1 Game File IN9 KCM regular KAN05 L 3- 7 Booker McDaniel Jim Cohen 11541 92 day y 19490529 2 Game File IN9 KCM regular KAN05 L 1- 4 Gene Collins Raydell Maddix 11541 88 day y 19490530 1 Game File IN9 KCM regular KAN05 L 0- 1 Jim LaMarque Peanuts Davis 4500 96 day y 19490530 2 Game File IN9 KCM regular KAN05 W 7- 0 Harry Butts Connie Johnson 4500 115 day y 19490601 Game File IN9 KCM regular TUL01 L 5- 8 4054 night 19490604 Game File IN9 KCM regular GIN01 W 3- 2 Raydell Maddix Gene Richardson Peanuts Davis 2500 0 night y 19490605 1 Game File IN9 KCM regular ARN01 L 10-13 Frank Barnes Harry Butts day 19490605 2 Game File IN9 KCM regular OMA02 L 2- 3 Jim LaMarque Andy Porter 8000 0 night y 19490606 Game File IN9 KCM regular SCI01 L 9-10 Gene Richardson Manuel Godinez night 19490607 Game File IN9 KCM regular CED01 L 0- 6 Booker McDaniel Raydell Maddix 500 110 night y 19490608 Game File IN9 KCM regular DAV01 L 1-10 Gene Collins Manuel Godinez 2500 140 night y 19490609 Game File KCM IN9 regular RCI01 W 5- 4 1884 night 19490611 Game File PH5 IN9 regular CHA01 W 5- 4 Peanuts Davis Bill Ricks 0 0 night y 19490612 Game File PH5 IN9 regular CHA01 L 7- 8 Wilmer Harris Peanuts Davis 1600 day 19490614 Game File PH5 IN9 regular ZAN02 W 5- 1 Andy Porter Barney Brown night 19490618 Game File IN9 BIR regular CHT01 W 5- 3 Andy Porter Sammy Williams 1800 147 night y 19490619 1 Game File IN9 BIR regular BIR01 L 5-12 Alonzo Perry Jim Cohen Sammy Williams 7057 118 day y 19490619 2 Game File IN9 BIR regular BIR01 W 10- 8 Amos Watson Alonzo Perry Manuel Godinez 7057 146 day y 19490620 Game File IN9 BIR regular BIR01 L 5- 9 Bill Greason Peanuts Davis 2177 150 night y 19490622 Game File IN9 BIR regular COL06 W 12- 3 Willie Cathey 2000 night 19490626 1 Game File IN9 MEM regular MEM02 W 8- 3 Peanuts Davis Willie Hutchinson 8106 day 19490626 2 Game File IN9 MEM regular MEM02 L 0- 4 Frank Thompson Harry Butts 8106 day 19490627 Game File IN9 MEM regular LRK02 W 22- 9 Andy Porter Ladd White 4600 night 19490628 Game File IN9 MEM regular HSP01 W 7- 6 19490629 Game File IN9 MEM regular GRE01 W 7- 5 4525 night 19490630 Game File IN9 MEM regular MEM02 W 5- 1 Willie Cathey Isiah Harris 4953 night 19490703 1 Game File LCB IN9 regular PIT06 W 8- 7 Peanuts Davis Webbo Clarke 7500 day 19490703 2 Game File LCB IN9 regular PIT06 L 4- 7 7500 day 19490704 1 Game File IN9 LCB regular LOU05 W 9- 3 Andy Porter George Jefferson 7500 19490704 2 Game File IN9 LCB regular LOU05 L 6- 7 Earnest Long Peanuts Davis 7500 19490707 Game File KCM IN9 regular BIR01 L 1- 5 Frank Barnes Willie Cathey 3183 night 19490709 Game File IN9 HOE regular HOU04 W 10- 3 Jim Cohen Jay Heard night 19490710 1 Game File IN9 HOE regular HOU04 W 7- 3 Peanuts Davis Rufus Lewis 4509 19490710 2 Game File IN9 HOE regular HOU04 L 0- 2 Jay Heard Harry Butts Max Manning 4509 19490711 Game File IN9 HOE regular SAT01 L 2- 9 Leroy Williams Andy Porter 2694 night 19490712 Game File IN9 HOE regular AUS01 W 3- 1 Raydell Maddix John O'Dell 2500 night 19490713 Game File IN9 HOE regular DAL02 L 1- 3 Max Manning Willie Cathey 2000 night 19490714 Game File IN9 HOE regular GRE01 L 1- 4 Jay Heard Peanuts Davis 3945 19490715 Game File IN9 HOE regular NSH02 W 6- 0 Jim Cohen Rufus Lewis 19490717 Game File HOE IN9 regular CHA01 W 10- 7 Andy Porter Cotton Williams 4500 night 19490718 Game File HOE IN9 regular CIN02 L 2- 5 Max Manning Peanuts Davis night 19490724 1 Game File IN9 BLG regular BAL14 L 0- 4 Alfred Wilmore Peanuts Davis 5000 110 day y 19490724 2 Game File IN9 BLG regular BAL14 W 3- 2 Jim Cohen Joe Black 5000 0 day y 19490725 1 Game File IN9 PH5 regular PHI11 W 6- 4 Andy Porter Bob Griffith Harry Butts 7248 0 night y 19490725 2 Game File IN9 PH5 regular PHI11 W 2- 1 Raydell Maddix Henry Miller 7248 0 night y 19490726 Game File IN9 PH5 regular NWC01 L 3- 6 Barney Brown Harry Butts 1500 0 night y 19490727 Game File PH5 IN9 regular IND10 W 13- 8 Peanuts Davis Wilmer Harris Jim Cohen 5000 night 19490728 Game File IN9 LCB regular COL05 W 2- 1 Raul Galata Earnest Long night 19490731 1 Game File IN9 LCB regular CLE06 W 3- 2 Andy Porter Webbo Clarke 5541 day 19490731 2 Game File IN9 LCB regular CLE06 W 6- 2 Raydell Maddix Earnest Long 5541 day 19490801 Game File IN9 LCB regular NIA01 W 5- 3 Jim Cohen night 19490802 Game File IN9 LCB regular BUF06 L 1- 2 Alberto Osorio Peanuts Davis 2500 night 19490806 Game File IN9 PH5 regular WIL04 L 4- 5 Barney Brown Andy Porter Bill Ricks 1864 y 19490807 1 Game File IN9 NY6 regular NYC14 L 2- 4 Riley Stewart Jim Cohen 7500 99 day y 19490807 2 Game File IN9 NY6 regular NYC14 T 6- 6 7500 173 day y 19490808 Game File IN9 NY6 regular WIL04 L 7-10 Johnny Wright Harry Butts 1124 175 night y 19490809 Game File IN9 BLG regular BAL14 L 1- 9 Bill Byrd Willie Cathey 135 night y 19490811 Game File NY6 IN9 regular NOR02 W 6- 5 Willie Cathey Riley Stewart 4500 19490813 Game File PH5 IN9 regular PET01 W 3- 2 Jim Cohen Wilmer Harris night 19490816 Game File IN9 PH5 regular NPN02 W 2- 0 19490817 Game File PH5 IN9 regular POR01 L 2- 4 night 19490819 Game File PH5 IN9 regular COL05 L 2- 5 Bill Ricks Peanuts Davis night 19490820 Game File PH5 IN9 regular IND10 L 1- 3 Bob Griffith 19490828 Game File IN9 BIR regular BIR01 L 1- 2 Bill Powell Raul Galata 7000 130 night 19490829 Game File IN9 BIR regular BIR01 W 13-12 Andy Porter Bill Powell night 19490904 Game File IN9 CAG regular CHI10 W 9- 6 Raul Galata Alvin Gipson Manuel Godinez day 19490905 1 Game File IN9 CAG regular CHI10 L 0- 1 Eugene Smith day 19490905 2 Game File IN9 CAG regular CHI10 L 0- 2 Gentry Jessup day 19490906 Game File IN9 CAG exhibition RCK02 W 10- 9 Harry Butts Alvin Gipson night 19490907 Game File IN9 CAG exhibition RCI01 W 10- 3 Peanuts Davis 809 night 19490911 1 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition OMA02 W 9- 0 Jim Cohen Jim LaMarque 1700 0 day y 19490911 2 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition OMA02 L 3- 7 Gene Richardson Raul Galata 1700 0 day y 19490913 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition FLC01 L 5- 6 Frank Barnes Raydell Maddix 650 0 night y 19490914 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition OXF01 L 4-13 night 19490915 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition KEA01 W 11- 9 Jim Cohen Harold Thompson Willie Cathey 0 139 night y 19490917 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition KAN05 L 0- 4 Mel Duncan Willie Cathey 0 93 night y 19490918 1 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition KAN05 W 4- 1 Raul Galata Gene Richardson 3165 100 day y 19490918 2 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition KAN05 L 5- 8 Frank Barnes Raydell Maddix 3165 95 day y 19490920 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition ATC01 W 9- 6 19490922 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition MUS01 W 5- 3 19490925 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition SAT01 W 11- 8 Raul Galata Frank Barnes Harry Butts 1179 day 19490926 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition SAT01 L 1- 5 Connie Johnson Raydell Maddix 666 night 19490928 Game File IN9 KCM exhibition HOU04 W 3- 2 Gentry Jessup Frank Barnes 2000 night 19491002 1 Game File IN9 BIR exhibition BIR01 W 8- 2 day 19491002 2 Game File IN9 BIR exhibition BIR01 T 2- 2 day

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