Reached On Error Batter Register - Players with Last Names Beginning with TH

OUT   - number of outs (including sacrifice hits and flies)
GO    - number of ground outs
FO    - number of fly outs
SO    - number of strikeouts
GO%   - ground out percentage (GO/OUT)
FO%   - fly out percentage (FO/OUT)
SO%   - strikeout percentage (SO/OUT)
TERR  - total reached on errors (including fielder choices and reached on strikeouts)
ERR   - reached on errors (not including fielder choices and reached on strikeouts)
FCB   - reached on fielder choices where no out or error was recorded
SO+   - reached on strikeout (due to a passed ball or wild pitch)
ERR%  - error percentage (TERR/OUT)
ExERR - expected errors given adjusted league error rates
A/SIT - expected errors adjusted for type and situation
PFact - individual park error factor
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Moe Thacker       1960 CHI N   76   29   27   20  38.2  35.5  26.3     1   1   0   0   1.3    1.7   1.7 0.949
Moe Thacker       1961 CHI N   29   10    8   11  34.5  27.6  37.9     1   1   0   0   3.4    0.7   0.6 1.038
Moe Thacker       1962 CHI N   84   23   21   40  27.4  25.0  47.6     1   1   0   0   1.2    2.1   1.4 0.990
Moe Thacker       1963 STL N    4    0    1    3   0.0  25.0  75.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.0 0.969
Moe Thacker       TOTAL       193   62   57   74  32.1  29.5  38.3     3   3   0   0   1.6    4.6   3.7 0.980
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Marcus Thames     2002 NY  A   10    2    4    4  20.0  40.0  40.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.1 1.054
Marcus Thames     2003 TEX A   59   18   23   18  30.5  39.0  30.5     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.0   0.8 0.944
Marcus Thames     2004 DET A  124   31   51   42  25.0  41.1  33.9     0   0   0   0   0.0    2.1   1.5 0.934
Marcus Thames     TOTAL       193   51   78   64  26.4  40.4  33.2     0   0   0   0   0.0    3.2   2.4 0.943
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Duane Theiss      1977 ATL N    2    1    0    1  50.0   0.0  50.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.1 0.989
Duane Theiss      1978 ATL N    1    0    0    1   0.0   0.0 100.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.0 0.933
Duane Theiss      TOTAL         3    1    0    2  33.3   0.0  66.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 0.970
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Ron Theobald      1971 MIL A  304  173   92   39  56.9  30.3  12.8     6   3   1   2   2.0    6.1   8.6 1.104
Ron Theobald      1972 MIL A  315  180   97   38  57.1  30.8  12.1     4   4   0   0   1.3    6.6   8.6 1.094
Ron Theobald      TOTAL       619  353  189   77  57.0  30.5  12.4    10   7   1   2   1.6   12.7  17.1 1.099
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
George Theodore   1973 NY  N   93   51   29   13  54.8  31.2  14.0     5   4   1   0   5.4    2.1   2.8 1.021
George Theodore   1974 NY  N   68   36   18   14  52.9  26.5  20.6     2   2   0   0   2.9    1.6   2.0 1.018
George Theodore   TOTAL       161   87   47   27  54.0  29.2  16.8     7   6   1   0   4.3    3.7   4.9 1.020
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Dave Thies        1963 KC  A    4    0    2    2   0.0  50.0  50.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.0 0.883
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Bobby Thigpen     1993 PHI N    1    0    1    0   0.0 100.0   0.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.0 1.066
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Tom Thobe         1996 ATL N    1    1    0    0 100.0   0.0   0.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.0 1.314
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Andres Thomas     1985 ATL N   14    5    7    2  35.7  50.0  14.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.3   0.3 1.012
Andres Thomas     1986 ATL N  246   99   98   49  40.2  39.8  19.9     5   5   0   0   2.0    5.2   5.3 1.023
Andres Thomas     1987 ATL N  252   98  104   50  38.9  41.3  19.8     6   6   0   0   2.4    5.3   5.3 1.068
Andres Thomas     1988 ATL N  459  164  200   95  35.7  43.6  20.7     5   5   0   0   1.1    9.4   8.7 1.063
Andres Thomas     1989 ATL N  441  186  193   62  42.2  43.8  14.1     6   4   1   1   1.4    9.0   9.3 1.068
Andres Thomas     1990 ATL N  218   71  104   43  32.6  47.7  19.7     3   3   0   0   1.4    4.4   3.8 1.155
Andres Thomas     TOTAL      1630  623  706  301  38.2  43.3  18.5    25  23   1   1   1.5   33.6  32.7 1.071
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Carl Thomas       1960 CLE A    3    2    0    1  66.7   0.0  33.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 1.032
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Charles Thomas    2004 ATL N  169   78   46   45  46.2  27.2  26.6     1   1   0   0   0.6    2.8   3.4 1.061
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Dan Thomas        1976 MIL A   76   20   28   28  26.3  36.8  36.8     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.6   1.1 1.021
Dan Thomas        1977 MIL A   52   20   21   11  38.5  40.4  21.2     2   2   0   0   3.8    1.2   1.1 0.993
Dan Thomas        TOTAL       128   40   49   39  31.2  38.3  30.5     2   2   0   0   1.6    2.8   2.2 1.010
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Derrel Thomas     1971 HOU N    1    0    0    1   0.0   0.0 100.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.0 1.031
Derrel Thomas     1972 SD  N  392  186  133   73  47.4  33.9  18.6     9   6   2   1   2.3    8.4   9.0 0.965
Derrel Thomas     1973 SD  N  311  132  127   52  42.4  40.8  16.7     4   4   0   0   1.3    6.9   6.9 0.988
Derrel Thomas     1974 SD  N  404  161  185   58  39.9  45.8  14.4     5   4   1   0   1.2    9.6   8.9 1.007
Derrel Thomas     1975 SF  N  402  200  146   56  49.8  36.3  13.9    14  12   1   1   3.5    9.5  10.7 1.051
Derrel Thomas     1976 SF  N  217   94   97   26  43.3  44.7  12.0     6   6   0   0   2.8    4.9   5.0 1.087
Derrel Thomas     1977 SF  N  385  157  158   70  40.8  41.0  18.2     6   5   0   1   1.6    8.3   7.9 1.123
Derrel Thomas     1978 SD  N  283  122  124   37  43.1  43.8  13.1     3   3   0   0   1.1    6.0   5.9 1.013
Derrel Thomas     1979 LA  N  310  119  142   49  38.4  45.8  15.8     4   4   0   0   1.3    6.3   6.0 0.979
Derrel Thomas     1980 LA  N  226  104   74   48  46.0  32.7  21.2     9   8   1   0   4.0    4.8   5.1 1.053
Derrel Thomas     1981 LA  N  173   90   60   23  52.0  34.7  13.3     4   4   0   0   2.3    3.8   4.4 1.064
Derrel Thomas     1982 LA  N   73   33   28   12  45.2  38.4  16.4     2   2   0   0   2.7    1.5   1.6 1.088
Derrel Thomas     1983 LA  N  150   53   61   36  35.3  40.7  24.0     2   2   0   0   1.3    3.2   2.8 0.972
Derrel Thomas     1984 MON N  187   88   66   33  47.1  35.3  17.6     2   2   0   0   1.1    4.1   4.4 0.905
Derrel Thomas     1984 CAL A   26   14    8    4  53.8  30.8  15.4     2   2   0   0   7.7    0.5   0.6 1.089
Derrel Thomas     1984 TOT M  213  102   74   37  47.9  34.7  17.4     4   4   0   0   1.9    4.6   5.1 0.927
Derrel Thomas     1985 PHI N   73   32   27   14  43.8  37.0  19.2     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.6   1.6 1.058
Derrel Thomas     TOTAL      3613 1585 1436  592  43.9  39.7  16.4    72  64   5   3   2.0   79.3  80.8 1.023
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Frank Thomas      1960 CHI N  364  146  144   74  40.1  39.6  20.3     9   9   0   0   2.5    8.3   8.1 0.958
Frank Thomas      1961 CHI N   37   17   12    8  45.9  32.4  21.6     1   1   0   0   2.7    0.9   1.0 0.949
Frank Thomas      1961 MIL N  309  105  134   70  34.0  43.4  22.7     9   9   0   0   2.9    7.5   6.3 1.050
Frank Thomas      1961 TOT N  346  122  146   78  35.3  42.2  22.5    10  10   0   0   2.9    8.4   7.2 1.040
Frank Thomas      1962 NY  N  425  170  160   95  40.0  37.6  22.4    16  16   0   0   3.8   10.6  10.1 1.009
Frank Thomas      1963 NY  N  313  132  133   48  42.2  42.5  15.3     9   8   0   1   2.9    8.2   8.0 1.025
Frank Thomas      1964 NY  N  148   53   66   29  35.8  44.6  19.6     2   2   0   0   1.4    3.8   3.2 0.996
Frank Thomas      1964 PHI N  107   52   43   12  48.6  40.2  11.2     3   3   0   0   2.8    2.7   3.1 0.945
Frank Thomas      1964 TOT N  255  105  109   41  41.2  42.7  16.1     5   5   0   0   2.0    6.5   6.3 0.974
Frank Thomas      1965 PHI N   59   25   24   10  42.4  40.7  16.9     2   2   0   0   3.4    1.4   1.4 1.007
Frank Thomas      1965 HOU N   49   12   22   15  24.5  44.9  30.6     1   1   0   0   2.0    1.2   0.8 1.058
Frank Thomas      1965 MIL N   26    6    9   11  23.1  34.6  42.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.6   0.3 0.989
Frank Thomas      1965 TOT N  134   43   55   36  32.1  41.0  26.9     3   3   0   0   2.2    3.2   2.6 1.022
Frank Thomas      1966 CHI N    4    1    2    1  25.0  50.0  25.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 1.015
Frank Thomas      TOTAL      1841  719  749  373  39.1  40.7  20.3    52  51   0   1   2.8   45.3  42.4 1.004
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Frank Thomas      1990 CHI A  131   35   42   54  26.7  32.1  41.2     1   0   1   0   0.8    2.5   1.9 1.010
Frank Thomas      1991 CHI A  383  128  143  112  33.4  37.3  29.2     7   7   0   0   1.8    6.8   6.3 0.995
Frank Thomas      1992 CHI A  399  130  181   88  32.6  45.4  22.1     4   4   0   0   1.0    7.3   6.3 1.000
Frank Thomas      1993 CHI A  388  140  194   54  36.1  50.0  13.9     6   5   0   1   1.5    7.1   6.9 0.994
Frank Thomas      1994 CHI A  265   91  113   61  34.3  42.6  23.0     4   4   0   0   1.5    5.1   4.7 0.966
Frank Thomas      1995 CHI A  353   97  182   74  27.5  51.6  21.0     3   3   0   0   0.8    6.3   5.1 0.935
Frank Thomas      1996 CHI A  351  120  161   70  34.2  45.9  19.9     2   2   0   0   0.6    6.2   5.8 0.950
Frank Thomas      1997 CHI A  353  119  165   69  33.7  46.7  19.5     6   5   1   0   1.7    6.0   5.7 0.940
Frank Thomas      1998 CHI A  441  126  222   93  28.6  50.3  21.1     8   8   0   0   1.8    8.2   6.4 0.923
Frank Thomas      1999 CHI A  346  109  171   66  31.5  49.4  19.1     8   8   0   0   2.3    5.9   5.4 0.932
Frank Thomas      2000 CHI A  399  118  187   94  29.6  46.9  23.6     8   8   0   0   2.0    7.1   5.6 0.961
Frank Thomas      2001 CHI A   54   15   27   12  27.8  50.0  22.2     2   2   0   0   3.7    1.0   0.7 0.958
Frank Thomas      2002 CHI A  401   75  211  115  18.7  52.6  28.7     3   3   0   0   0.7    6.7   3.7 0.951
Frank Thomas      2003 CHI A  404   79  210  115  19.6  52.0  28.5     1   1   0   0   0.2    6.7   4.2 0.943
Frank Thomas      2004 CHI A  176   40   79   57  22.7  44.9  32.4     3   2   1   0   1.7    3.0   1.9 0.962
Frank Thomas      TOTAL      4844 1422 2288 1134  29.4  47.2  23.4    66  62   3   1   1.4   85.8  70.6 0.959
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
George Thomas     1961 DET A    6    1    1    4  16.7  16.7  66.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 1.011
George Thomas     1961 LA  A  208   55   87   66  26.4  41.8  31.7     3   3   0   0   1.4    5.0   3.4 1.094
George Thomas     1961 TOT A  214   56   88   70  26.2  41.1  32.7     3   3   0   0   1.4    5.2   3.4 1.091
George Thomas     1962 LA  A  138   48   53   37  34.8  38.4  26.8     1   1   0   0   0.7    3.0   2.7 1.020
George Thomas     1963 LA  A  133   42   59   32  31.6  44.4  24.1     1   0   1   0   0.8    2.9   2.4 1.012
George Thomas     1963 DET A   86   31   33   22  36.0  38.4  25.6     1   1   0   0   1.2    1.9   1.7 1.019
George Thomas     1963 TOT A  219   73   92   54  33.3  42.0  24.7     2   1   1   0   0.9    4.8   4.0 1.014
George Thomas     1964 DET A  224   77   94   53  34.4  42.0  23.7     2   2   0   0   0.9    4.5   4.1 0.985
George Thomas     1965 DET A  137   50   48   39  36.5  35.0  28.5     1   1   0   0   0.7    3.0   2.8 0.976
George Thomas     1966 BOS A  134   50   51   33  37.3  38.1  24.6     2   2   0   0   1.5    3.0   3.0 0.996
George Thomas     1967 BOS A   71   21   27   23  29.6  38.0  32.4     2   2   0   0   2.8    1.5   1.1 0.992
George Thomas     1968 BOS A    8    2    3    3  25.0  37.5  37.5     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.1 0.964
George Thomas     1969 BOS A   34   13   10   11  38.2  29.4  32.4     1   1   0   0   2.9    0.7   0.7 0.987
George Thomas     1970 BOS A   65   30   23   12  46.2  35.4  18.5     5   4   1   0   7.7    1.4   1.8 1.016
George Thomas     1971 BOS A   12    5    3    4  41.7  25.0  33.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.2 1.075
George Thomas     1971 MIN A   22   12    7    3  54.5  31.8  13.6     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.4   0.7 1.132
George Thomas     1971 TOT A   34   17   10    7  50.0  29.4  20.6     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.7   0.9 1.112
George Thomas     TOTAL      1278  437  499  342  34.2  39.0  26.8    19  17   2   0   1.5   28.1  24.5 1.017
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Gorman Thomas     1973 MIL A  129   33   35   61  25.6  27.1  47.3     1   1   0   0   0.8    2.8   1.9 1.025
Gorman Thomas     1974 MIL A   37   10   12   15  27.0  32.4  40.5     1   1   0   0   2.7    0.8   0.6 0.966
Gorman Thomas     1975 MIL A  206   49   73   84  23.8  35.4  40.8     3   3   0   0   1.5    4.9   2.9 1.025
Gorman Thomas     1976 MIL A  190   60   63   67  31.6  33.2  35.3     3   3   0   0   1.6    4.1   3.5 1.030
Gorman Thomas     1978 MIL A  350   94  123  133  26.9  35.1  38.0     5   5   0   0   1.4    7.2   4.9 0.995
Gorman Thomas     1979 MIL A  432  106  151  175  24.5  35.0  40.5     5   5   0   0   1.2    9.3   5.8 1.028
Gorman Thomas     1980 MIL A  487  133  184  170  27.3  37.8  34.9     7   6   1   0   1.4   10.2   7.0 1.095
Gorman Thomas     1981 MIL A  274   64  125   85  23.4  45.6  31.0     5   5   0   0   1.8    5.5   3.3 1.062
Gorman Thomas     1982 MIL A  439  120  176  143  27.3  40.1  32.6    10  10   0   0   2.3    8.6   6.2 1.007
Gorman Thomas     1983 MIL A  138   45   43   50  32.6  31.2  36.2     6   4   2   0   4.3    2.8   2.3 0.998
Gorman Thomas     1983 CLE A  297   67  132   98  22.6  44.4  33.0     2   2   0   0   0.7    6.1   3.8 1.012
Gorman Thomas     1983 TOT A  435  112  175  148  25.7  40.2  34.0     8   6   2   0   1.8    8.9   6.1 1.007
Gorman Thomas     1984 SEA A   97   27   43   27  27.8  44.3  27.8     2   2   0   0   2.1    2.0   1.5 0.917
Gorman Thomas     1985 SEA A  385  115  144  126  29.9  37.4  32.7    10  10   0   0   2.6    7.7   6.2 0.922
Gorman Thomas     1986 SEA A  138   31   52   55  22.5  37.7  39.9     1   1   0   0   0.7    2.8   1.8 0.978
Gorman Thomas     1986 MIL A  121   31   40   50  25.6  33.1  41.3     1   1   0   0   0.8    2.4   1.9 1.043
Gorman Thomas     1986 TOT A  259   62   92  105  23.9  35.5  40.5     2   2   0   0   0.8    5.2   3.7 1.009
Gorman Thomas     TOTAL      3720  985 1396 1339  26.5  37.5  36.0    62  59   3   0   1.7   77.4  53.4 1.015
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Lee Thomas        1961 NY  A    1    1    0    0 100.0   0.0   0.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.0 0.973
Lee Thomas        1961 LA  A  327  100  153   74  30.6  46.8  22.6     9   8   0   1   2.8    7.9   6.1 1.069
Lee Thomas        1961 TOT A  328  101  153   74  30.8  46.6  22.6     9   8   0   1   2.7    8.0   6.1 1.069
Lee Thomas        1962 LA  A  405  161  172   72  39.8  42.5  17.8     4   4   0   0   1.0    8.8   9.1 1.028
Lee Thomas        1963 LA  A  412  145  186   81  35.2  45.1  19.7     6   6   0   0   1.5    9.0   8.4 1.006
Lee Thomas        1964 LA  A  129   53   54   22  41.1  41.9  17.1     0   0   0   0   0.0    2.6   2.9 0.981
Lee Thomas        1964 BOS A  301  114  158   29  37.9  52.5   9.6     6   6   0   0   2.0    6.1   6.3 1.005
Lee Thomas        1964 TOT A  430  167  212   51  38.8  49.3  11.9     6   6   0   0   1.4    8.7   9.2 0.997
Lee Thomas        1965 BOS A  387  170  175   42  43.9  45.2  10.9     6   5   1   0   1.6    8.6   9.5 1.004
Lee Thomas        1966 ATL N   98   36   47   15  36.7  48.0  15.3     1   1   0   0   1.0    2.3   1.9 0.878
Lee Thomas        1966 CHI N  111   53   43   15  47.7  38.7  13.5     1   1   0   0   0.9    2.6   2.7 1.034
Lee Thomas        1966 TOT N  209   89   90   30  42.6  43.1  14.4     2   2   0   0   1.0    4.8   4.6 0.961
Lee Thomas        1967 CHI N  152   57   73   22  37.5  48.0  14.5     2   2   0   0   1.3    3.4   3.2 1.027
Lee Thomas        1968 HOU N  143   67   59   17  46.9  41.3  11.9     1   1   0   0   0.7    3.1   3.6 1.048
Lee Thomas        TOTAL      2466  957 1120  389  38.8  45.4  15.8    36  34   1   1   1.5   54.4  53.9 1.016
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Roy Thomas        1978 STL N    3    1    1    1  33.3  33.3  33.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.0 0.837
Roy Thomas        1979 STL N   17    4    2   11  23.5  11.8  64.7     1   1   0   0   5.9    0.3   0.2 0.934
Roy Thomas        1980 STL N   11    5    2    4  45.5  18.2  36.4     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.2 0.832
Roy Thomas        TOTAL        31   10    5   16  32.3  16.1  51.6     1   1   0   0   3.2    0.6   0.5 0.889
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Valmy Thomas      1960 BAL A   16   13    3    0  81.2  18.8   0.0     1   1   0   0   6.2    0.3   0.7 1.017
Valmy Thomas      1961 CLE A   68   39   22    7  57.4  32.4  10.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.6   2.2 0.991
Valmy Thomas      TOTAL        84   52   25    7  61.9  29.8   8.3     1   1   0   0   1.2    2.0   2.9 0.996
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Gary Thomasson    1972 SF  N   18    8    3    7  44.4  16.7  38.9     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.4   0.4 1.112
Gary Thomasson    1973 SF  N  172   74   55   43  43.0  32.0  25.0     2   2   0   0   1.2    3.8   4.0 1.084
Gary Thomasson    1974 SF  N  242   93   93   56  38.4  38.4  23.1     9   9   0   0   3.7    5.7   5.1 1.065
Gary Thomasson    1975 SF  N  257   96  113   48  37.4  44.0  18.7     7   7   0   0   2.7    6.1   5.2 1.057
Gary Thomasson    1976 SF  N  245  107   93   45  43.7  38.0  18.4     3   3   0   0   1.2    5.5   5.4 1.086
Gary Thomasson    1977 SF  N  344  109  133  102  31.7  38.7  29.7     5   4   1   0   1.5    7.4   5.8 1.121
Gary Thomasson    1978 OAK A  125   34   47   44  27.2  37.6  35.2     1   1   0   0   0.8    2.6   1.8 1.073
Gary Thomasson    1978 NY  A   85   30   33   22  35.3  38.8  25.9     1   1   0   0   1.2    1.8   1.6 0.977
Gary Thomasson    1978 TOT A  210   64   80   66  30.5  38.1  31.4     2   2   0   0   1.0    4.3   3.3 1.034
Gary Thomasson    1979 LA  N  240   87   83   70  36.3  34.6  29.2     3   3   0   0   1.3    4.9   4.2 0.985
Gary Thomasson    1980 LA  N   87   31   30   26  35.6  34.5  29.9     2   1   1   0   2.3    1.8   1.6 1.003
Gary Thomasson    TOTAL      1815  669  683  463  36.9  37.6  25.5    33  31   2   0   1.8   39.9  35.1 1.062
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Jim Thome         1991 CLE A   73   34   23   16  46.6  31.5  21.9     1   1   0   0   1.4    1.3   1.5 1.030
Jim Thome         1992 CLE A   95   34   27   34  35.8  28.4  35.8     4   3   0   1   4.2    1.7   1.5 1.027
Jim Thome         1993 CLE A  118   43   39   36  36.4  33.1  30.5     1   0   0   1   0.8    2.2   1.9 1.046
Jim Thome         1994 CLE A  237   92   61   84  38.8  25.7  35.4     7   6   0   1   3.0    4.5   4.4 0.991
Jim Thome         1995 CLE A  313  108   92  113  34.5  29.4  36.1     2   0   1   1   0.6    5.6   5.1 0.988
Jim Thome         1996 CLE A  350  117   92  141  33.4  26.3  40.3     8   8   0   0   2.3    6.2   5.8 0.992
Jim Thome         1997 CLE A  362  110  106  146  30.4  29.3  40.3     9   9   0   0   2.5    6.2   5.1 0.963
Jim Thome         1998 CLE A  315   88   86  141  27.9  27.3  44.8     4   4   0   0   1.3    5.9   4.4 0.977
Jim Thome         1999 CLE A  361  109   81  171  30.2  22.4  47.4     6   6   0   0   1.7    6.2   5.3 1.012
Jim Thome         2000 CLE A  412  116  125  171  28.2  30.3  41.5     6   4   0   2   1.5    7.3   5.6 0.982
Jim Thome         2001 CLE A  376   93   98  185  24.7  26.1  49.2     4   4   0   0   1.1    6.7   4.6 1.006
Jim Thome         2002 CLE A  340   95  106  139  27.9  31.2  40.9     6   6   0   0   1.8    5.7   4.3 1.096
Jim Thome         2003 PHI N  429  120  127  182  28.0  29.6  42.4     5   5   0   0   1.2    7.4   5.6 0.986
Jim Thome         2004 PHI N  373  106  123  144  28.4  33.0  38.6     1   1   0   0   0.3    6.2   4.9 1.097
Jim Thome         TOTAL      4154 1265 1186 1703  30.5  28.6  41.0    64  57   1   6   1.5   73.0  60.2 1.010
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Andy Thompson     2000 TOR A    5    2    1    2  40.0  20.0  40.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 0.941
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Bobby Thompson    1978 TEX A   98   46   26   26  46.9  26.5  26.5     2   2   0   0   2.0    2.0   2.3 1.082
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Danny Thompson    1970 MIN A  245  104  102   39  42.4  41.6  15.9     5   5   0   0   2.0    5.2   5.6 1.121
Danny Thompson    1971 MIN A   46   21   13   12  45.7  28.3  26.1     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.9   1.1 1.100
Danny Thompson    1972 MIN A  430  205  168   57  47.7  39.1  13.3     5   3   2   0   1.2    9.0  10.4 1.077
Danny Thompson    1973 MIN A  278  128  109   41  46.0  39.2  14.7     2   2   0   0   0.7    6.1   6.7 1.024
Danny Thompson    1974 MIN A  206  112   65   29  54.4  31.6  14.1     2   1   1   0   1.0    4.6   6.3 1.002
Danny Thompson    1975 MIN A  270  132  108   30  48.9  40.0  11.1    11  11   0   0   4.1    6.5   7.1 1.026
Danny Thompson    1976 MIN A   98   47   43    8  48.0  43.9   8.2     1   1   0   0   1.0    2.1   2.6 1.015
Danny Thompson    1976 TEX A  160   72   69   19  45.0  43.1  11.9     4   4   0   0   2.5    3.5   3.8 1.132
Danny Thompson    1976 TOT A  258  119  112   27  46.1  43.4  10.5     5   5   0   0   1.9    5.6   6.4 1.088
Danny Thompson    TOTAL      1733  821  677  235  47.4  39.1  13.6    30  27   3   0   1.7   37.8  43.6 1.060
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Jason Thompson    1976 DET A  327  135  120   72  41.3  36.7  22.0     7   6   1   0   2.1    7.1   7.1 0.988
Jason Thompson    1977 DET A  436  163  182   91  37.4  41.7  20.9     8   8   0   0   1.8    9.7   8.3 1.015
Jason Thompson    1978 DET A  426  153  177   96  35.9  41.5  22.5     8   8   0   0   1.9    8.8   7.7 1.016
Jason Thompson    1979 DET A  377  143  144   90  37.9  38.2  23.9     5   5   0   0   1.3    8.1   7.1 1.000
Jason Thompson    1980 DET A  101   32   43   26  31.7  42.6  25.7     3   2   0   1   3.0    2.1   1.7 1.061
Jason Thompson    1980 CAL A  218   89   69   60  40.8  31.7  27.5     3   2   1   0   1.4    4.6   4.4 1.126
Jason Thompson    1980 TOT A  319  121  112   86  37.9  35.1  27.0     6   4   1   1   1.9    6.7   6.1 1.106
Jason Thompson    1981 PIT N  172   56   67   49  32.6  39.0  28.5     2   2   0   0   1.2    3.8   3.0 1.056
Jason Thompson    1982 PIT N  403  143  153  107  35.5  38.0  26.6     5   5   0   0   1.2    8.4   7.3 1.091
Jason Thompson    1983 PIT N  389  127  134  128  32.6  34.4  32.9     3   3   0   0   0.8    8.3   6.7 1.065
Jason Thompson    1984 PIT N  409  148  188   73  36.2  46.0  17.8     2   2   0   0   0.5    9.0   7.8 0.964
Jason Thompson    1985 PIT N  309  127  124   58  41.1  40.1  18.8     7   7   0   0   2.3    6.6   6.2 0.933
Jason Thompson    1986 MON N   41   16   13   12  39.0  31.7  29.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.9   0.8 0.959
Jason Thompson    TOTAL      3608 1332 1414  862  36.9  39.2  23.9    53  50   2   1   1.5   77.3  68.1 1.022
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Jason Thompson    1996 SD  N   39   15   10   14  38.5  25.6  35.9     1   1   0   0   2.6    0.8   0.7 1.147
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Justin Thompson   1997 DET A    2    1    0    1  50.0   0.0  50.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.1 0.864
Justin Thompson   1998 DET A    6    2    1    3  33.3  16.7  50.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 1.042
Justin Thompson   1999 DET A    5    2    1    2  40.0  20.0  40.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 1.079
Justin Thompson   TOTAL        13    5    2    6  38.5  15.4  46.2     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.2 1.029
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Mark Thompson     1994 COL N    5    1    0    4  20.0   0.0  80.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 1.080
Mark Thompson     1995 COL N    9    1    1    7  11.1  11.1  77.8     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.1 1.070
Mark Thompson     1996 COL N   55   24   10   21  43.6  18.2  38.2     2   0   2   0   3.6    1.1   1.3 1.077
Mark Thompson     1997 COL N   11    4    2    5  36.4  18.2  45.5     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.2 1.105
Mark Thompson     1998 COL N    6    2    1    3  33.3  16.7  50.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 0.995
Mark Thompson     1999 STL N    9    1    2    6  11.1  22.2  66.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.1 1.009
Mark Thompson     2000 STL N    3    2    0    1  66.7   0.0  33.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 1.071
Mark Thompson     TOTAL        98   35   16   47  35.7  16.3  48.0     2   0   2   0   2.0    2.0   1.9 1.068
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Mike Thompson     1971 WAS A   15    2    0   13  13.3   0.0  86.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.3   0.1 1.008
Mike Thompson     1973 STL N    1    0    0    1   0.0   0.0 100.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.0 0.974
Mike Thompson     1974 STL N    8    3    1    4  37.5  12.5  50.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.2 0.992
Mike Thompson     1975 ATL N   15    4    1   10  26.7   6.7  66.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.4   0.3 0.992
Mike Thompson     TOTAL        39    9    2   28  23.1   5.1  71.8     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.9   0.6 0.998
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Milt Thompson     1984 ATL N   70   40   19   11  57.1  27.1  15.7     4   4   0   0   5.7    1.5   1.8 1.077
Milt Thompson     1985 ATL N  128   72   20   36  56.2  15.6  28.1     2   2   0   0   1.6    2.7   3.4 1.027
Milt Thompson     1986 PHI N  230  121   47   62  52.6  20.4  27.0     5   4   1   0   2.2    4.8   5.7 1.029
Milt Thompson     1987 PHI N  374  209   78   87  55.9  20.9  23.3     7   6   1   0   1.9    7.8   9.8 0.973
Milt Thompson     1988 PHI N  274  165   50   59  60.2  18.2  21.5     4   4   0   0   1.5    5.6   7.7 0.940
Milt Thompson     1989 STL N  390  183  116   91  46.9  29.7  23.3     3   3   0   0   0.8    8.0   9.0 0.973
Milt Thompson     1990 STL N  328  171   97   60  52.1  29.6  18.3     7   5   1   1   2.1    6.6   8.1 0.968
Milt Thompson     1991 STL N  229  125   51   53  54.6  22.3  23.1     5   5   0   0   2.2    4.6   6.0 0.927
Milt Thompson     1992 STL N  147   79   29   39  53.7  19.7  26.5     9   9   0   0   6.1    2.7   3.5 0.901
Milt Thompson     1993 PHI N  256  143   56   57  55.9  21.9  22.3    12   9   3   0   4.7    5.6   6.9 1.043
Milt Thompson     1994 PHI N  162   98   36   28  60.5  22.2  17.3     1   1   0   0   0.6    3.2   4.6 1.059
Milt Thompson     1994 HOU N   15   11    2    2  73.3  13.3  13.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.3   0.6 0.770
Milt Thompson     1994 TOT N  177  109   38   30  61.6  21.5  16.9     1   1   0   0   0.6    3.5   5.1 1.035
Milt Thompson     1995 HOU N  106   46   23   37  43.4  21.7  34.9     3   3   0   0   2.8    2.1   2.3 0.936
Milt Thompson     1996 LA  N   45   29    6   10  64.4  13.3  22.2     2   2   0   0   4.4    0.9   1.3 1.006
Milt Thompson     1996 COL N   14   10    1    3  71.4   7.1  21.4     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.3   0.4 1.124
Milt Thompson     1996 TOT N   59   39    7   13  66.1  11.9  22.0     2   2   0   0   3.4    1.2   1.7 1.034
Milt Thompson     TOTAL      2768 1502  631  635  54.3  22.8  22.9    64  57   6   1   2.3   56.9  71.2 0.982
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Rich Thompson     1989 MON N    2    0    1    1   0.0  50.0  50.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.0 0.958
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Rich Thompson     2004 KC  A    1    1    0    0 100.0   0.0   0.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.0 1.088
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Robby Thompson    1986 SF  N  419  156  151  112  37.2  36.0  26.7    15  14   0   1   3.6    8.8   8.6 0.984
Robby Thompson    1987 SF  N  316  112  113   91  35.4  35.8  28.8     7   4   1   2   2.2    6.6   6.0 0.963
Robby Thompson    1988 SF  N  370  121  138  111  32.7  37.3  30.0    12  12   0   0   3.2    7.6   6.7 1.012
Robby Thompson    1989 SF  N  424  126  165  133  29.7  38.9  31.4    10   9   1   0   2.4    8.7   7.1 1.037
Robby Thompson    1990 SF  N  387  149  142   96  38.5  36.7  24.8    10  10   0   0   2.6    7.8   7.6 1.012
Robby Thompson    1991 SF  N  375  136  144   95  36.3  38.4  25.3     8   7   1   0   2.1    7.5   6.7 0.986
Robby Thompson    1992 SF  N  339  133  131   75  39.2  38.6  22.1    11  10   1   0   3.2    6.2   6.4 0.954
Robby Thompson    1993 SF  N  353  118  138   97  33.4  39.1  27.5    10  10   0   0   2.8    7.7   6.2 1.017
Robby Thompson    1994 SF  N  108   35   41   32  32.4  38.0  29.6     1   1   0   0   0.9    2.1   1.9 1.108
Robby Thompson    1995 SF  N  270  111   83   76  41.1  30.7  28.1     9   8   1   0   3.3    5.4   5.3 1.074
Robby Thompson    1996 SF  N  182   54   59   69  29.7  32.4  37.9     3   2   0   1   1.6    3.7   2.9 1.086
Robby Thompson    TOTAL      3543 1251 1305  987  35.3  36.8  27.9    96  87   5   4   2.7   72.2  65.5 1.011
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Ryan Thompson     1992 NY  N   85   27   34   24  31.8  40.0  28.2     3   3   0   0   3.5    1.6   1.4 1.011
Ryan Thompson     1993 NY  N  222   64   77   81  28.8  34.7  36.5     7   5   1   1   3.2    4.8   3.6 1.131
Ryan Thompson     1994 NY  N  266   86   86   94  32.3  32.3  35.3     6   6   0   0   2.3    5.3   4.5 1.238
Ryan Thompson     1995 NY  N  204   53   74   77  26.0  36.3  37.7     6   6   0   0   2.9    4.1   3.0 1.147
Ryan Thompson     1996 CLE A   15    3    6    6  20.0  40.0  40.0     1   1   0   0   6.7    0.3   0.2 0.916
Ryan Thompson     1999 HOU N   16    5    4    7  31.2  25.0  43.8     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.3   0.2 1.162
Ryan Thompson     2000 NY  A   37   11   14   12  29.7  37.8  32.4     1   1   0   0   2.7    0.7   0.6 1.030
Ryan Thompson     2001 FLA N   22    8    6    8  36.4  27.3  36.4     1   0   0   1   4.5    0.4   0.4 1.028
Ryan Thompson     2002 MIL N  103   29   36   38  28.2  35.0  36.9     2   2   0   0   1.9    1.8   1.5 1.003
Ryan Thompson     TOTAL       970  286  337  347  29.5  34.7  35.8    27  24   1   2   2.8   19.2  15.4 1.131
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Scot Thompson     1978 CHI N   22   13    5    4  59.1  22.7  18.2     2   2   0   0   9.1    0.5   0.6 1.017
Scot Thompson     1979 CHI N  250   99  114   37  39.6  45.6  14.8     2   2   0   0   0.8    5.1   5.0 1.034
Scot Thompson     1980 CHI N  180   71   78   31  39.4  43.3  17.2     4   4   0   0   2.2    3.8   3.5 0.990
Scot Thompson     1981 CHI N  101   52   41    8  51.5  40.6   7.9     4   3   0   1   4.0    2.2   2.5 0.972
Scot Thompson     1982 CHI N   47   28   15    4  59.6  31.9   8.5     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.0   1.3 0.997
Scot Thompson     1983 CHI N   71   36   21   14  50.7  29.6  19.7     2   2   0   0   2.8    1.5   1.7 0.972
Scot Thompson     1984 SF  N  175   80   69   26  45.7  39.4  14.9     4   4   0   0   2.3    3.8   3.9 1.073
Scot Thompson     1985 SF  N   89   51   28   10  57.3  31.5  11.2     2   2   0   0   2.2    1.9   2.5 1.041
Scot Thompson     1985 MON N   24   13    4    7  54.2  16.7  29.2     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.5   0.6 0.919
Scot Thompson     1985 TOT N  113   64   32   17  56.6  28.3  15.0     2   2   0   0   1.8    2.4   3.1 1.015
Scot Thompson     TOTAL       959  443  375  141  46.2  39.1  14.7    20  19   0   1   2.1   20.3  21.5 1.017
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Bobby Thomson     1960 BOS A   86   33   38   15  38.4  44.2  17.4     6   6   0   0   7.0    1.9   1.9 1.056
Bobby Thomson     1960 BAL A    6    2    1    3  33.3  16.7  50.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 1.042
Bobby Thomson     1960 TOT A   92   35   39   18  38.0  42.4  19.6     6   6   0   0   6.5    2.0   2.0 1.055
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
John Thomson      1997 COL N   43   18    2   23  41.9   4.7  53.5     2   2   0   0   4.7    0.8   0.9 1.118
John Thomson      1998 COL N   55   25    7   23  45.5  12.7  41.8     1   1   0   0   1.8    1.0   1.3 1.066
John Thomson      1999 COL N   15    5    3    7  33.3  20.0  46.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.3   0.2 0.946
John Thomson      2001 COL N   28    9    4   15  32.1  14.3  53.6     1   0   1   0   3.6    0.5   0.5 0.955
John Thomson      2002 COL N   32   13    7   12  40.6  21.9  37.5     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.6   0.6 0.944
John Thomson      2002 NY  N   16    8    1    7  50.0   6.2  43.8     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.3   0.4 0.942
John Thomson      2002 TOT N   48   21    8   19  43.8  16.7  39.6     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.9   1.0 0.943
John Thomson      2003 TEX A    1    1    0    0 100.0   0.0   0.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.0 1.166
John Thomson      2004 ATL N   63   28   11   24  44.4  17.5  38.1     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.1   1.2 1.095
John Thomson      TOTAL       253  107   35  111  42.3  13.8  43.9     4   3   1   0   1.6    4.5   5.3 1.040
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Dickie Thon       1979 CAL A   38   17   11   10  44.7  28.9  26.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.8   0.8 1.058
Dickie Thon       1980 CAL A  206   92   86   28  44.7  41.7  13.6     9   9   0   0   4.4    4.3   4.2 1.178
Dickie Thon       1981 HOU N   70   24   33   13  34.3  47.1  18.6     1   1   0   0   1.4    1.5   1.3 1.002
Dickie Thon       1982 HOU N  365  160  157   48  43.8  43.0  13.2    11  11   0   0   3.0    7.6   7.7 0.972
Dickie Thon       1983 HOU N  453  184  196   73  40.6  43.3  16.1     7   6   0   1   1.5    9.7   9.5 0.966
Dickie Thon       1984 HOU N   11    6    1    4  54.5   9.1  36.4     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.3 0.871
Dickie Thon       1985 HOU N  191   82   59   50  42.9  30.9  26.2     5   5   0   0   2.6    4.1   4.0 0.938
Dickie Thon       1986 HOU N  211   87   75   49  41.2  35.5  23.2     3   3   0   0   1.4    4.4   4.5 0.920
Dickie Thon       1987 HOU N   53   21   19   13  39.6  35.8  24.5     3   2   0   1   5.7    1.1   1.0 0.916
Dickie Thon       1988 SD  N  194   82   63   49  42.3  32.5  25.3     8   8   0   0   4.1    4.0   4.0 0.990
Dickie Thon       1989 PHI N  321  117  123   81  36.4  38.3  25.2     4   4   0   0   1.2    6.6   5.8 0.932
Dickie Thon       1990 PHI N  414  167  170   77  40.3  41.1  18.6    11   9   0   2   2.7    8.4   8.7 0.921
Dickie Thon       1991 PHI N  409  162  163   84  39.6  39.9  20.5    13  11   0   2   3.2    8.2   7.9 0.946
Dickie Thon       1992 TEX A  215   90   85   40  41.9  39.5  18.6     2   2   0   0   0.9    3.9   4.2 0.950
Dickie Thon       1993 MIL A  187   71   77   39  38.0  41.2  20.9     6   6   0   0   3.2    3.4   3.3 1.082
Dickie Thon       TOTAL      3338 1362 1318  658  40.8  39.5  19.7    83  77   0   6   2.5   68.3  67.4 0.971
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Andre Thornton    1973 CHI N   28    7   12    9  25.0  42.9  32.1     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.6   0.4 0.985
Andre Thornton    1974 CHI N  226   84   92   50  37.2  40.7  22.1     9   8   1   0   4.0    5.4   4.9 1.088
Andre Thornton    1975 CHI N  272   73  136   63  26.8  50.0  23.2     3   3   0   0   1.1    6.4   4.3 1.024
Andre Thornton    1976 CHI N   69   21   34   14  30.4  49.3  20.3     2   1   1   0   2.9    1.6   1.2 1.092
Andre Thornton    1976 MON N  152   46   74   32  30.3  48.7  21.1     2   2   0   0   1.3    3.4   2.7 0.948
Andre Thornton    1976 TOT N  221   67  108   46  30.3  48.9  20.8     4   3   1   0   1.8    5.0   3.9 0.993
Andre Thornton    1977 CLE A  322   87  153   82  27.0  47.5  25.5     7   6   1   0   2.2    7.1   5.0 0.955
Andre Thornton    1978 CLE A  385  111  202   72  28.8  52.5  18.7     8   7   1   0   2.1    7.9   5.9 0.959
Andre Thornton    1979 CLE A  403   99  211   93  24.6  52.4  23.1    10   9   1   0   2.5    8.7   5.6 0.977
Andre Thornton    1981 CLE A  179   58   84   37  32.4  46.9  20.7     4   3   0   1   2.2    3.6   3.1 0.936
Andre Thornton    1982 CLE A  436  143  212   81  32.8  48.6  18.6     4   4   0   0   0.9    8.6   7.2 0.975
Andre Thornton    1983 CLE A  373  126  175   72  33.8  46.9  19.3     5   5   0   0   1.3    7.7   6.7 1.023
Andre Thornton    1984 CLE A  437  117  241   79  26.8  55.1  18.1     6   6   0   0   1.4    9.1   6.4 1.035
Andre Thornton    1985 CLE A  358  109  174   75  30.4  48.6  20.9     7   6   0   1   2.0    7.2   5.9 1.071
Andre Thornton    1986 CLE A  317  101  149   67  31.9  47.0  21.1     9   8   1   0   2.8    6.4   5.2 1.087
Andre Thornton    1987 CLE A   77   18   34   25  23.4  44.2  32.5     2   2   0   0   2.6    1.5   1.0 1.120
Andre Thornton    TOTAL      4034 1200 1983  851  29.7  49.2  21.1    78  70   6   2   1.9   85.2  65.5 1.012
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Lou Thornton      1985 TOR A   55   18   13   24  32.7  23.6  43.6     1   1   0   0   1.8    1.1   1.0 1.069
Lou Thornton      1987 TOR A    1    1    0    0 100.0   0.0   0.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.1 1.122
Lou Thornton      1988 TOR A    2    2    0    0 100.0   0.0   0.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.1 0.886
Lou Thornton      1989 NY  N    9    7    1    1  77.8  11.1  11.1     3   3   0   0  33.3    0.2   0.4 1.025
Lou Thornton      TOTAL        67   28   14   25  41.8  20.9  37.3     4   4   0   0   6.0    1.3   1.5 1.059
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Otis Thornton     1973 HOU N    3    1    0    2  33.3   0.0  66.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 0.928
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Faye Throneberry  1960 WAS A  122   54   35   33  44.3  28.7  27.0     2   2   0   0   1.6    2.7   2.8 1.155
Faye Throneberry  1961 LA  A   26   13    3   10  50.0  11.5  38.5     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.6   0.7 1.109
Faye Throneberry  TOTAL       148   67   38   43  45.3  25.7  29.1     2   2   0   0   1.4    3.3   3.5 1.147
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Marv Throneberry  1960 KC  A  178   56   63   59  31.5  35.4  33.1     3   3   0   0   1.7    3.9   3.3 0.987
Marv Throneberry  1961 KC  A  100   41   29   30  41.0  29.0  30.0     1   1   0   0   1.0    2.4   2.3 0.953
Marv Throneberry  1961 BAL A   76   27   29   20  35.5  38.2  26.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.8   1.5 0.978
Marv Throneberry  1961 TOT A  176   68   58   50  38.6  33.0  28.4     1   1   0   0   0.6    4.3   3.8 0.963
Marv Throneberry  1962 BAL A    9    1    2    6  11.1  22.2  66.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.1 0.883
Marv Throneberry  1962 NY  N  275   86  106   83  31.3  38.5  30.2     9   8   1   0   3.3    6.9   5.5 1.017
Marv Throneberry  1962 TOT M  284   87  108   89  30.6  38.0  31.3     9   8   1   0   3.2    7.1   5.6 1.012
Marv Throneberry  1963 NY  N   12    2    5    5  16.7  41.7  41.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.3   0.2 1.009
Marv Throneberry  TOTAL       650  213  234  203  32.8  36.0  31.2    13  12   1   0   2.0   15.5  12.9 0.992
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
George Throop     1979 HOU N    3    1    1    1  33.3  33.3  33.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.0 0.973
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Corey Thurman     2002 TOR A    2    2    0    0 100.0   0.0   0.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.1 0.986
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Gary Thurman      1987 KC  A   58   20   18   20  34.5  31.0  34.5     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.1   0.9 0.941
Gary Thurman      1988 KC  A   55   19   16   20  34.5  29.1  36.4     1   1   0   0   1.8    1.0   0.9 0.904
Gary Thurman      1989 KC  A   73   26   21   26  35.6  28.8  35.6     2   2   0   0   2.7    1.4   1.3 0.928
Gary Thurman      1990 KC  A   47   19   16   12  40.4  34.0  25.5     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.9   1.0 0.950
Gary Thurman      1991 KC  A  137   60   35   42  43.8  25.5  30.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    2.4   2.6 1.014
Gary Thurman      1992 KC  A  157   72   51   34  45.9  32.5  21.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    2.9   3.1 1.044
Gary Thurman      1993 DET A   72   23   19   30  31.9  26.4  41.7     1   0   0   1   1.4    1.3   1.1 1.002
Gary Thurman      1995 SEA A   18    6    9    3  33.3  50.0  16.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.3   0.3 1.009
Gary Thurman      1997 NY  N    5    2    3    0  40.0  60.0   0.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 1.007
Gary Thurman      TOTAL       622  247  188  187  39.7  30.2  30.1     4   3   0   1   0.6   11.5  11.3 0.988
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Mike Thurman      1997 MON N    2    1    0    1  50.0   0.0  50.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.0   0.1 0.864
Mike Thurman      1998 MON N   25    6    2   17  24.0   8.0  68.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.5   0.4 1.021
Mike Thurman      1999 MON N   43   12    0   31  27.9   0.0  72.1     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.8   0.6 1.006
Mike Thurman      2000 MON N   29    9    3   17  31.0  10.3  58.6     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.6   0.5 1.015
Mike Thurman      2001 MON N   44   12    5   27  27.3  11.4  61.4     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.8   0.6 0.985
Mike Thurman      TOTAL       143   40   10   93  28.0   7.0  65.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    2.7   2.2 1.002
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Mark Thurmond     1983 SD  N   41   29    6    6  70.7  14.6  14.6     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.9   1.4 1.062
Mark Thurmond     1984 SD  N   54   35    9   10  64.8  16.7  18.5     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.2   1.8 1.033
Mark Thurmond     1985 SD  N   41   23    8   10  56.1  19.5  24.4     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.9   1.2 1.024
Mark Thurmond     1986 SD  N   20   15    2    3  75.0  10.0  15.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.4   0.7 1.039
Mark Thurmond     1990 SF  N    6    1    1    4  16.7  16.7  66.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 1.044
Mark Thurmond     TOTAL       162  103   26   33  63.6  16.0  20.4     0   0   0   0   0.0    3.5   5.0 1.039
Name              Year Team   OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Joseph Thurston   2002 LA  N    9    4    4    1  44.4  44.4  11.1     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.2 0.979
Joseph Thurston   2003 LA  N    8    3    4    1  37.5  50.0  12.5     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.1 1.020
Joseph Thurston   2004 LA  N   15    5    5    5  33.3  33.3  33.3     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.3   0.2 1.020
Joseph Thurston   TOTAL        32   12   13    7  37.5  40.6  21.9     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.5   0.5 1.009