Reached On Error Pitcher Register - Players with Last Names Beginning with FU

OUT   - number of outs (including sacrifice hits and flies)
GO    - number of ground outs
FO    - number of fly outs
SO    - number of strikeouts
GO%   - ground out percentage (GO/OUT)
FO%   - fly out percentage (FO/OUT)
SO%   - strikeout percentage (SO/OUT)
TERR  - total reached on errors (including fielder choices and reached on strikeouts)
ERR   - reached on errors (not including fielder choices and reached on strikeouts)
FCB   - reached on fielder choices where no out or error was recorded
SO+   - reached on strikeout (due to a passed ball or wild pitch)
ERR%  - error percentage (TERR/OUT)
ExERR - expected errors given adjusted league error rates
A/SIT - expected errors adjusted for type and situation
PFact - individual park error factor
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Brian Fuentes     2001 SEA A    30   12    8   10  40.0  26.7  33.3     1   0   0   1   3.3    0.5   0.6 0.943
Brian Fuentes     2002 COL N    77   15   24   38  19.5  31.2  49.4     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.4   0.8 0.938
Brian Fuentes     2003 COL N   216   55   79   82  25.5  36.6  38.0     3   3   0   0   1.4    3.7   2.5 1.038
Brian Fuentes     2004 COL N   132   36   48   48  27.3  36.4  36.4     2   0   1   1   1.5    2.2   1.9 1.159
Brian Fuentes     TOTAL        455  118  159  178  25.9  34.9  39.1     6   3   1   2   1.3    7.8   5.8 1.050
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Miguel Fuentes    1969 SEA A    74   24   36   14  32.4  48.6  18.9     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.6   1.3 0.923
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
John Fulgham      1979 STL N   424  154  195   75  36.3  46.0  17.7     8   8   0   0   1.9    8.6   7.7 0.898
John Fulgham      1980 STL N   239   78  113   48  32.6  47.3  20.1     0   0   0   0   0.0    5.0   3.9 0.991
John Fulgham      TOTAL        663  232  308  123  35.0  46.5  18.6     8   8   0   0   1.2   13.7  11.6 0.931
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Bill Fulton       1987 NY  A    13    7    4    2  53.8  30.8  15.4     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.3   0.3 1.082
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Aaron Fultz       2000 SF  N   201   80   59   62  39.8  29.4  30.8     3   3   0   0   1.5    3.9   4.0 0.911
Aaron Fultz       2001 SF  N   207   68   72   67  32.9  34.8  32.4     4   3   1   0   1.9    3.7   3.4 0.958
Aaron Fultz       2002 SF  N   116   37   48   31  31.9  41.4  26.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    2.1   1.8 0.996
Aaron Fultz       2003 TEX A   192   78   61   53  40.6  31.8  27.6     2   2   0   0   1.0    3.2   3.4 0.961
Aaron Fultz       2004 MIN A   142   52   53   37  36.6  37.3  26.1     0   0   0   0   0.0    2.4   2.3 0.912
Aaron Fultz       TOTAL        858  315  293  250  36.7  34.1  29.1     9   8   1   0   1.0   15.2  14.9 0.945
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Frank Funk        1960 CLE A    84   32   34   18  38.1  40.5  21.4     1   1   0   0   1.2    1.8   1.9 0.913
Frank Funk        1961 CLE A   269   92  113   64  34.2  42.0  23.8     5   5   0   0   1.9    6.5   5.8 0.979
Frank Funk        1962 CLE A   239   79  111   49  33.1  46.4  20.5     7   7   0   0   2.9    5.2   4.6 1.026
Frank Funk        1963 MIL N   115   47   49   19  40.9  42.6  16.5     3   3   0   0   2.6    3.0   2.8 1.004
Frank Funk        TOTAL        707  250  307  150  35.4  43.4  21.2    16  16   0   0   2.3   16.6  15.1 0.991
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Tom Funk          1986 HOU N    25   10   13    2  40.0  52.0   8.0     1   1   0   0   4.0    0.5   0.5 0.936
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Chris Fussell     1998 BAL A    27   10    9    8  37.0  33.3  29.6     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.5   0.6 0.918
Chris Fussell     1999 KC  A   152   55   60   37  36.2  39.5  24.3     1   1   0   0   0.7    2.6   2.8 0.945
Chris Fussell     2000 KC  A   198   65   87   46  32.8  43.9  23.2     2   1   1   0   1.0    3.5   3.2 0.972
Chris Fussell     TOTAL        377  130  156   91  34.5  41.4  24.1     3   2   1   0   0.8    6.6   6.6 0.958