Reached On Error Pitcher Register - Players with Last Names Beginning with VE

OUT   - number of outs (including sacrifice hits and flies)
GO    - number of ground outs
FO    - number of fly outs
SO    - number of strikeouts
GO%   - ground out percentage (GO/OUT)
FO%   - fly out percentage (FO/OUT)
SO%   - strikeout percentage (SO/OUT)
TERR  - total reached on errors (including fielder choices and reached on strikeouts)
ERR   - reached on errors (not including fielder choices and reached on strikeouts)
FCB   - reached on fielder choices where no out or error was recorded
SO+   - reached on strikeout (due to a passed ball or wild pitch)
ERR%  - error percentage (TERR/OUT)
ExERR - expected errors given adjusted league error rates
A/SIT - expected errors adjusted for type and situation
PFact - individual park error factor
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Bob Veale         1962 PIT N    81   27   28   26  33.3  34.6  32.1     1   1   0   0   1.2    2.0   1.7 1.018
Bob Veale         1963 PIT N   220   94   58   68  42.7  26.4  30.9     7   7   0   0   3.2    5.8   5.8 0.989
Bob Veale         1964 PIT N   766  337  202  227  44.0  26.4  29.6    21  21   0   0   2.7   19.5  19.9 1.015
Bob Veale         1965 PIT N   705  254  201  250  36.0  28.5  35.5    17  15   2   0   2.4   16.7  14.6 0.991
Bob Veale         1966 PIT N   669  250  234  185  37.4  35.0  27.7    10  10   0   0   1.5   15.4  14.2 0.954
Bob Veale         1967 PIT N   547  221  159  167  40.4  29.1  30.5    15  13   1   1   2.7   12.3  12.5 0.968
Bob Veale         1968 PIT N   635  273  206  156  43.0  32.4  24.6    13  12   1   0   2.0   13.8  14.1 0.968
Bob Veale         1969 PIT N   654  269  172  213  41.1  26.3  32.6    14  13   0   1   2.1   15.0  14.2 0.929
Bob Veale         1970 PIT N   596  248  170  178  41.6  28.5  29.9    20  18   1   1   3.4   13.4  12.8 0.946
Bob Veale         1971 PIT N   135   51   44   40  37.8  32.6  29.6     3   3   0   0   2.2    2.8   2.8 1.176
Bob Veale         1972 PIT N    25   12    7    6  48.0  28.0  24.0     1   1   0   0   4.0    0.5   0.7 1.085
Bob Veale         1972 BOS A    22    4    8   10  18.2  36.4  45.5     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.5   0.3 0.960
Bob Veale         1972 TOT M    47   16   15   16  34.0  31.9  34.0     1   1   0   0   2.1    1.0   1.0 1.026
Bob Veale         1973 BOS A   105   45   35   25  42.9  33.3  23.8     3   2   0   1   2.9    2.3   2.5 0.938
Bob Veale         1974 BOS A    39    5   18   16  12.8  46.2  41.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.9   0.3 0.892
Bob Veale         TOTAL       5199 2090 1542 1567  40.2  29.7  30.1   125 116   5   4   2.4  120.8 116.4 0.975
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Carlos Velazquez  1973 MIL A   112   56   44   12  50.0  39.3  10.7     5   4   1   0   4.5    2.4   3.0 1.014
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Mike Venafro      1999 TEX A   195  119   39   37  61.0  20.0  19.0     4   4   0   0   2.1    3.3   5.3 0.946
Mike Venafro      2000 TEX A   159   84   43   32  52.8  27.0  20.1     4   4   0   0   2.5    2.8   3.8 0.966
Mike Venafro      2001 TEX A   177   93   55   29  52.5  31.1  16.4     7   7   0   0   4.0    3.1   4.2 0.976
Mike Venafro      2002 OAK A   107   61   30   16  57.0  28.0  15.0     2   2   0   0   1.9    1.8   2.7 1.057
Mike Venafro      2003 TB  A    55   28   18    9  50.9  32.7  16.4     1   1   0   0   1.8    0.9   1.1 1.049
Mike Venafro      2004 LA  N    26   14    6    6  53.8  23.1  23.1     1   1   0   0   3.8    0.4   0.6 1.048
Mike Venafro      TOTAL        719  399  191  129  55.5  26.6  17.9    19  19   0   0   2.6   12.4  17.7 0.986
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Robin Ventura     2004 LA  N     3    0    3    0   0.0 100.0   0.0     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.1   0.0 0.889
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Dario Veras       1996 SD  N    82   29   30   23  35.4  36.6  28.0     3   2   1   0   3.7    1.7   1.6 0.999
Dario Veras       1997 SD  N    72   24   27   21  33.3  37.5  29.2     2   2   0   0   2.8    1.4   1.1 1.014
Dario Veras       1998 BOS A    23    8   13    2  34.8  56.5   8.7     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.4   0.4 1.066
Dario Veras       TOTAL        177   61   70   46  34.5  39.5  26.0     5   4   1   0   2.8    3.5   3.1 1.014
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Joe Verbanic      1966 PHI N    42   18   17    7  42.9  40.5  16.7     1   1   0   0   2.4    1.0   1.1 1.015
Joe Verbanic      1967 NY  A   231  115   77   39  49.8  33.3  16.9     6   5   1   0   2.6    4.9   6.2 0.984
Joe Verbanic      1968 NY  A   274  134  100   40  48.9  36.5  14.6     9   8   1   0   3.3    6.1   7.5 0.968
Joe Verbanic      1970 NY  A    45   21   16    8  46.7  35.6  17.8     0   0   0   0   0.0    1.0   1.2 0.985
Joe Verbanic      TOTAL        592  288  210   94  48.6  35.5  15.9    16  14   2   0   2.7   13.0  15.9 0.979
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Dave Veres        1994 HOU N   121   47   46   28  38.8  38.0  23.1     2   2   0   0   1.7    2.4   2.4 0.885
Dave Veres        1995 HOU N   295  100  101   94  33.9  34.2  31.9     1   1   0   0   0.3    5.9   5.3 0.939
Dave Veres        1996 MON N   228   80   67   81  35.1  29.4  35.5     7   7   0   0   3.1    4.7   4.2 0.945
Dave Veres        1997 MON N   184   72   65   47  39.1  35.3  25.5     6   5   0   1   3.3    3.5   3.7 0.950
Dave Veres        1998 COL N   223   77   72   74  34.5  32.3  33.2     3   3   0   0   1.3    4.1   3.5 1.007
Dave Veres        1999 COL N   222   93   58   71  41.9  26.1  32.0     5   2   2   1   2.3    4.2   4.4 0.975
Dave Veres        2000 STL N   214   88   59   67  41.1  27.6  31.3     2   2   0   0   0.9    4.1   4.5 1.060
Dave Veres        2001 STL N   192   75   56   61  39.1  29.2  31.8     2   2   0   0   1.0    3.5   3.4 1.039
Dave Veres        2002 STL N   238   81   89   68  34.0  37.4  28.6     4   4   0   0   1.7    4.2   3.8 1.065
Dave Veres        2003 CHI N    94   30   38   26  31.9  40.4  27.7     3   2   0   1   3.2    1.6   1.4 1.028
Dave Veres        TOTAL       2011  743  651  617  36.9  32.4  30.7    35  30   2   3   1.7   38.1  36.5 0.991
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Randy Veres       1989 MIL A    23    9    6    8  39.1  26.1  34.8     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.4   0.4 1.098
Randy Veres       1990 MIL A   120   55   49   16  45.8  40.8  13.3     1   0   1   0   0.8    2.3   2.7 1.107
Randy Veres       1994 CHI N    28   15    8    5  53.6  28.6  17.9     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.6   0.7 1.092
Randy Veres       1995 FLA N   146   70   45   31  47.9  30.8  21.2     6   6   0   0   4.1    2.9   3.3 1.076
Randy Veres       1996 DET A    90   42   20   28  46.7  22.2  31.1     3   1   2   0   3.3    1.6   1.8 1.024
Randy Veres       1997 KC  A   106   36   42   28  34.0  39.6  26.4     3   2   0   1   2.8    1.8   1.7 0.999
Randy Veres       TOTAL        513  227  170  116  44.2  33.1  22.6    13   9   3   1   2.5    9.6  10.8 1.060
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
John Verhoeven    1976 CAL A   107   52   32   23  48.6  29.9  21.5     3   2   1   0   2.8    2.3   2.9 1.017
John Verhoeven    1977 CAL A    14    7    4    3  50.0  28.6  21.4     1   1   0   0   7.1    0.3   0.3 1.053
John Verhoeven    1977 CHI A    31   23    2    6  74.2   6.5  19.4     1   1   0   0   3.2    0.7   1.1 1.057
John Verhoeven    1977 TOT A    45   30    6    9  66.7  13.3  20.0     2   2   0   0   4.4    1.0   1.4 1.056
John Verhoeven    1980 MIN A   284  135  107   42  47.5  37.7  14.8     7   6   1   0   2.5    6.0   6.9 1.010
John Verhoeven    1981 MIN A   150   64   70   16  42.7  46.7  10.7     4   4   0   0   2.7    3.0   3.0 0.946
John Verhoeven    TOTAL        586  281  215   90  48.0  36.7  15.4    16  14   2   0   2.7   12.3  14.3 0.998
Name              Year Team    OUT   GO   FO   SO   GO%   FO%   SO%  TERR ERR FCB SO+  ERR%  ExERR A/Sit PFact
Bob Veselic       1980 MIN A    11    4    5    2  36.4  45.5  18.2     0   0   0   0   0.0    0.2   0.2 1.184
Bob Veselic       1981 MIN A    68   30   25   13  44.1  36.8  19.1     1   1   0   0   1.5    1.4   1.4 0.998
Bob Veselic       TOTAL         79   34   30   15  43.0  38.0  19.0     1   1   0   0   1.3    1.6   1.5 1.024