Unusual Ballpark Features That Affect Balls in Play
Target Field, Minneapolis - The left field pole is a few feet from the end of the limestone wall. Foul balls can fly into that gap but can be hard to see. One such ball flew in there in the fifth inning of the first game at the field. A ball that flies to the left of the pole between the pole and the wall is foul. See photos 1 and 2 below.
In right field there is a section of seats that juts out from the wall and overhangs the field. Any ball which strikes the limestone facing is in play but if the ball strikes the top of the limestone, it is a home run. See photo 4.
The flower beds behind the wall are out of play. Any ball landing in the flower beds is a home run. See photos 3 and 4.
Photos courtesy of David Vincent
Photo 1 - Target Field's left field line from the seating area
Photo 2 - Target Field's left field pole and limestone wall from the infield
Photo 3 - Target Field's left field pole and flower beds
Photo 4 - Target Field's right field seats and flower beds