
Parsed Play-by-Play Data

Parsed play-by-play data for all games for which Retrosheet has play-by-play data (including deduced event files) are available for download. The columns are labeled and should be mostly self-explanatory. But, in case not, the columns are defined at the end of this document.

A single file containing parsed data for all games for which Retrosheet has play-by-play data can be downloaded here. Retrosheet currently has play-by-play data for 199,830 games and this file includes 15,852,865 lines of data.

Download Parsed Play-by-Play for All Games

Parsed Play-by-Play by Season

                          1903            1905    1906    1907    1908    1909
  1910    1911    1912    1913    1914    1915    1916    1917    1918    1919
  1920    1921    1922    1923    1924    1925    1926    1927    1928    1929
  1930    1931    1932    1933    1934    1935    1936    1937    1938    1939    
  1940    1941    1942    1943    1944    1945    1946    1947    1948    1949    
  1950    1951    1952    1953    1954    1955    1956    1957    1958    1959    
  1960    1961    1962    1963    1964    1965    1966    1967    1968    1969    
  1970    1971    1972    1973    1974    1975    1976    1977    1978    1979    
  1980    1981    1982    1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988    1989    
  1990    1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997    1998    1999    
  2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    
  2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    
  2020    2021    2022    2023    2024

Contents of parsed play-by-play files

gid              GameID
event            play as it appears in our event file
inning           inning
top_bot          top (0) or bottom (1) of inning
vis_home         visiting (0) or home (1) team batting
ballpark         location of event
                 - if a game was suspended and later resumed at a different ballpark, the value for 'ballpark' will change mid-game,
                   indicating the site of specific events
batteam          batting team
pitteam          pitching team
batter           batter
pitcher          pitcher
lp               lineup position of batter
bat_f            fielding position of batter
bathand          batter handedness (B, L, R)
pithand          pitcher handedness
count            pitch count, if known; '??' if unknown
pitches          pitch sequence, if known; blank if unknown
nump		 number of pitches, if known; blank if unknown
pa               did the play result in a plate appearance? (1 if yes, 0 if no)
ab               at bat
single           single
double           double
triple           triple
hr               home run
sh               sacrifice bunt
sf               sacrifice fly, if awarded; in some seasons, sh and sf were combined in official stats; they are separated here
hbp              hit-by-pitch
walk             walk
iw               intentional walk
k                strikeout
xi               catchers' interference
oth              plate appearance not identified by any previous stats
othout           'oth' on which a batting out was made
noout            'oth' on which no batting out was made
bip              ball-in-play; the hit type for bip is identified in the next four columns, if known
bunt             bunt
ground           ground ball
fly              fly ball (or pop up)
line             line drive
gdp              grounded into double play; 'gdp' is an official stat
othdp            double play that was not a 'gdp'
tp               triple play
wp               wild pitch
pb               passed ball
bk               balk
oa               non-pa not identified by any other stats: either 'out advancing' or 'other advance'
di               defensive indifference
sb2              stolen base of second base
sb3              stolen base of third base
sbh              stolen base of home
cs2              caught stealing second base
cs3              caught stealing third base
csh              caught stealing home
pko1             pickoff at first base
pko2             pickoff at second base
pko3             pickoff at third base
k_safe           strikeout on which the batter reached base safely
e1               error(s) by the pitcher; it is possible to be charged multiple errors on a single play
e2               error(s) by the catcher
e3               error(s) by the first baseman
e4               error(s) by the second baseman
e5               error(s) by the third baseman
e6               error(s) by the shortstop
e7               error(s) by the left fielder
e8               error(s) by the center fielder
e9               error(s) by the right fielder
outs_pre         number of outs prior to the play
outs_post        number of outs at the conclusion of the play
br1_pre          runner on first base, if any, prior to the play
br2_pre          runner on second base, if any, prior to the play
br3_pre          runner on third base, if any, prior to the play
br1_post         runner on first base, if any, at the conclusion of the play
br2_post         runner on second base, if any, at the conclusion of the play
br3_post         runner on third base, if any, at the conclusion of the play
run_b            batter if he scored a run on the play
run1             runner on first base if he scored a run on the play
run2             runner on second base if he scored a run on the play
run3             runner on third base if he scored a run on the play
prun1            pitcher charged with the run scored by the runner on first base
prun2            pitcher charged with the run scored by the runner on second base
prun3            pitcher charged with the run scored by the runner on third base
runs             total runs scored on the play
rbi              total RBI credited to batter on the play
er               total earned runs scored on the play
tur              runs scored on the play credited as (TUR) - team unearned runs
f2               catcher
f3               first baseman
f4               second baseman
f5               third baseman
f6               shortstop
f7               left fielder
f8               center fielder
f9               right fielder
po0              putouts on play for which fielder is not identified (scored as 99 in event files)
po1              putouts on play by pitcher
po2              putouts on play by catcher
po3              putouts on play by first baseman
po4              putouts on play by second baseman
po5              putouts on play by third baseman
po6              putouts on play by shortstop
po7              putouts on play by left fielder
po8              putouts on play by center fielder
po9              putouts on play by right fielder
a1               assists on play by pitcher
a2               assists on play by catcher
a3               assists on play by first baseman
a4               assists on play by second baseman
a5               assists on play by third baseman
a6               assists on play by shortstop
a7               assists on play by left fielder
a8               assists on play by center fielder
a9               assists on play by right fielder
batout1          fielding position of player who initiated first batting out
batout2          fielding position of player who initiated second batting out (for double play)
batout3          fielding position of player who initiated third batting out (for triple play)
brout_b          fielding position of player who initiated baserunning out by batter
brout1           fielding position of player who initiated baserunning out by runner on first base
brout2           fielding position of player who initiated baserunning out by runner on second base
brout3           fielding position of player who initiated baserunning out by runner on third base
firstf           fielding position of first player to field a ball-in-play (1 - 9; 0 if unknown)
loc              location of ball in play, if known
hittype          hit type of ball in play, if known - B (bunt), G (ground ball), P (pop up), F (fly ball), or L (line drive)
dpopp            equal to one if there was a runner on first base and fewer than two outs
pivot            pivot man on double-play opportunity if one existed
                 - on ground ball where 'dpopp' = 1, 'pivot' is player who made initial putout if a baserunner was forced out,
                   or fielder of ground ball ('firstf') if no force out
                 - idea behind 'pivot' is to establish fielders who deserve to share credit/blame for converting double plays
pn               play number - sequential order of plays within a particular game
date		 date of game
                 - if a game was suspended and later resumed at a different ballpark, the value for 'date' will change mid-game,
                   to indicate the resumption of the game; 'date' does not change mid-game for games that are played continuously,
   		   but end after midnight local time
gametype         type of game (e.g., regular-season, exhibition, etc.)
pbp              'deduced' or 'full'

It is always Retrosheet's intention that everything it offers for download (and displays on its website) is as correct as possible. The data offered for download here include no known errors. Nevertheless, this is a massive undertaking and the volume of data here is quite formidable. Please let me know if you find any errors or have any issues with any of the files.


Tom Thress
Retrosheet President


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     The information used here was obtained free of
     charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet.  Interested
     parties may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd.,
     Newark, DE 19711.

Retrosheet makes no guarantees of accuracy for the information that is supplied. Much effort is expended to make our website as correct as possible, but Retrosheet shall not be held responsible for any consequences arising from the use the material presented here. All information is subject to corrections as additional data are received. We are grateful to anyone who discovers discrepancies and we appreciate learning of the details.

Retrosheet website last updated January 8, 2025.
All data contained at this site is copyright 1996-2025 by Retrosheet. All Rights Reserved. Click here for information about the use of Retrosheet data

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