
08/30/1913 - New York at Philadelphia NL


Umpire Brennan called the game in favor of the Giants with one out in the top of the 9th inning and Philadelphia leading 8 to 6. When the first batter in the 9th struck out, John McGraw complained to the umpire that the fans in centerfield were waving their straw hats and reflecting the sun into the eyes of the batter. The umpire asked the Phillies to move the fans, but the fans refused to move. After a lengthy consultation, the game was called. - New York Times; 08/31/1913; p S1 (Giants)

However, the forfeit was not permitted to stand:

* New York Times, September 1, 1913: The Phillies appealed Brennan's decision.

* New York Times, September 3, 1913: on September 2, NL President Thomas Lynch reversed Brennan's decision declaring "that the umpire plainly went beyond his authority in declaring a forfeiture, for which he had neither the protection of the regular playing rules nor of any special ground rule." The game was awarded to Philadelphia, 8-6.

* New York Times, September 7, 1913: The Giants appealed Lynch's decision.

* New York Times, September 16, 1913: The Board of Directors of the National League overruled Lynch, deciding that the game will be resumed on October 2, prior to that day's doubleheader, "with the same men on the field and the same status existing that existed on the day ..." As the Phillies were challenging the Giants for the pennant, this was thought to have Merkle-esque implications.

* Come October 2, though, and the Giants have clinched. The game is picked up from the point where it was left off, but it's somewhat of an anticlimax.

For those who want the details: Philadelphia 8, NY 6. Teams line up as they were when game ended on August 30th. Giants at bat in top of 9th, one out, none on. Murray grounds out. Meyers singles to right. Eddie Grant runs for Meyers. Larry McLean, batting for Snodgrass, forced Grant at second.

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