Site Overview
Site map with links to most of the
categories of information
We are
tempted to call it the Retrosheet Encyclopedia because there is so much
here. However, we don't want you to think it is just another encyclopedia
because we don't have some of the items in the traditional ones and we
have information that you just won't find anywhere else. Explore the
seemingly countless number of links to discover the treasures that await
you. Included are:
- Boxscores for every major league game from 1901 on (except for the Negro leagues;
and there are some, see below).
Also, National Association in 1871, 1872 and 1874.
- Narratives (text play-by-play descriptions) for most of the games
for from 1924 on plus many from earlier yers.
- Team and player seasonal and career statistics including many splits
- Batter/pitcher matchups
- Year-end and in-season standings
- Post-season and All Star Game boxes and play-by-play narratives
- Lists of transactions
- All major league managers and their teams' records organized
by managers' names and by team
- Coaches with records on individual and team pages
- All major league umpires and data about their assignments
- Numbers of ejections by year for each player, manager, and coach
- Histories of every major league franchise
- Top individual and team batting and pitching performances in the years
for which we have complete data
- Members of the Hall of Fame and winners of more than 25 other types of awards and honors
- Dates of individual milestones for season and career hits, homers, stolen bases, wins,
strikeouts, saves
- Places of births and deaths and cemetery locations
- Information organized in many ways: by year, by date, by player, by
team, by ballpark, by franchise
Negro Leagues
- Negro All-Star games
- Pre-integration Negro championship series
- Pre-integration interracial games
- Box score and event files downloads
Data downloads
- Play-by-play files (also called event files) -- Data
files containing literally every play in the included games. The files are
designed to be processed further using your own computer. We provide some
software to help and some documentation about the files and
the software. If you are looking for instant
information on-line, these files are not for you. Instead, look in
- Game logs -- Basic data for every major league
game since 1871, the first year of major league play, including date, score,
winning and losing pitchers, and a
lot more. What's available varies by years (less for the earlier years,
more for the later years). Read the descriptive text file for an
explanation of what is there. These are data files designed for input into
a database or spreadsheet program, so they probably won't make much sense
when seen on your screen.
- Schedules -- The game logs show the results of the games as they
were actually played, which includes games that were postponed, most often due to poor weather,
and played later or in a few cases were never made up. The files on this page show the
schedules as the season began, which are of particular interest to those wanting to
replay seasons.
- Transactions
- Ejections
- Biographical Data
- Noteworthy events -- Here you will find lists of some of the more
unusual things that have taken place in games or related activities. Currently, these include
- Batting out of turn
- "Lost" home runs
- Replay reviews, both homers and, starting in 2014, many other plays
- Four homers in a row
- Game ending non-homers (hits that are homers under current rules, but weren't before 1920)
- Courtesy runners
- Passing runners on the bases
- Triple plays
- Doctored bats and balls
- Pitch count mistakes
- Non-pitchers on the mound
- Umpire changes during games
- Hidden ball tricks
- First and last events for 20th Century and later ballparks
- Neutral and alternate site games
- Opening day appearances by Presidents and VPs
- Suspended games
- Forfeited games
- Resumed protested games
- No decision games
- Special Features -- Links to some items that do not fit nicely
on the other pages on the site.
- There is an extensive section about postseason
regional and city series played from 1882 to 1942.
- A bibliography of over 2500 Sabrmetric reserach papers that can be downloaded.
- A 2007 addition honors the 60th anniversary of Jackie
Robinson's major league debut with quite detailed performance data including a list of
his steals of home and how he did against each of the 288 pitchers he faced in the
regular season.
- Current teams' nicknames histories,
- Description of and the rules used for the first Major League game, which was played in 1871,
- Brief history of the score keeping system we use with an example scoresheet
- Great picture of Coors Field being built
- Strange and unusual, mostly one of a kind, plays and happenings
- Research papers -- Papers with research done using Retrosheet data.
New contributions are welcome, so please let us know how you have used our data.
- Most wanted -- Lists of the games from 1920-73 for which we
still are looking for play-by-play accounts. We have game accounts for all games from
1974 on. Obviously, we are very interested in accounts from earlier years also.
- Who we are -- A brief description of Retrosheet and its
history. Also, reports and pictures from each of the annual meetings since the first
one in 1994 in Arlington, Texas as well as a listing of the members of Board of Directors
and pictures of that group at various times.
- Discussion group -- The RetroList list server is on the Yahoo!Groups
site. In addition to providing information about and commenting on this web site, Retrosheet
volunteers and other interested fans also exchange comments about a variety of
not-so-common baseball topics such as interpretation of scoring rules and raise questions,
usually getting quick answers, about the availability and accuracy of historical data. Typically
there are fewer than ten messages a day. There is a link to sign up if you are interested.
- Donations -- Retrosheet has been classified by the IRS as a
501(c)(3) charitable and educational organization, so donations are fully tax-deductible.
We accept donations, which are primarily used to support acquistion of materials vital to
our collection and proofing of historical data. PayPal can be used if desired.
- Newsletters -- This
page contains the Retrosheet newsletters that were published until early
2002. The page also contains information about the publicity Retrosheet has
received in the media. Although the primary purpose of the
newsletters was keeping Retrosheet volunteers up to date, others will most
definitely find a great deal of interesting materials. As we have culled
through old newspapers looking for game accounts, we have run across many
baseball curiosities, some of which are quite funny or startling. The
newsletters also have some analysis and data, such as how Stan Musial
performed at Ebbets Field. Every baseball fan will enjoy browsing
- Site history -- Some of the items in the What's New section
of our home page are things that would have been appropriate for the newsletters we
used to publish. An example is a report on the Board of Directors meeting held at
the 2002 Society for Baseball Research (SABR) national convention. We collect these
type of items and a few others in the Archives when they are taken out of the What's New section.
Page Updated: 7/16/2021
All data contained at this site is copyright © 1996-2021
by Retrosheet. All Rights Reserved.