
Retrosheet Software Tools for Event Files

The first three program files are "zipped." Most likely you already have software to "unzip" (i.e. extract files from a .zip archive) these files. For example, it is built into Windows XP and later versions of Windows. If you do not have this capability, download PKUNZIP.EXE, the fourth program listed below.

All of these programs require PC DOS to run. If using Windows, you will have to open a DOS window to get a command prompt. Macintosh users may be able to run these programs using Windows or DOS emulation software. Another way for Mac users is described below.

A Macintosh user has let us know how he can get these programs to run. If you have questions about this approach, you can e-mail him at mesamb1--insert the AT

To run the Retrosheet programs Mac users will need to install Wine onto their computer. Wine will allow for the mac user to emulate a windows environment on their computer in order to run the Retrosheet programs.

First, you will need to install WineBottler. WineBottler lets you run .exe on your Mac, but we will not be using that feature for Retrosheet. Instead when you install WineBottler, you will also install the app called Wine in an easy to use package. To install WineBottler, go to the website and follow the download instructions provided.

These instructions, at the time of my writing, involve downloading the WineBottler dmg, opening the dmg which will mount a removable drive, and then dragging the app Wine and WineBottler into your applications folder.

Once you have installed Wine and WineBottler from the WineBottler package to your application folder, you need to hold down control on your keyboard and click on "Wine" in your application folder. Choose "Open" from the drop down list. You may need to enter your administrator name and password, then when prompted select open. This is because this is an application not listed on the Apple App store, and your Mac OS security settings by default will not allow for the application to be opened. For more information please refer to Apple support.

Once you have opened Wine, there WILL NOT be an application on your dock. Instead, on the menu bar that goes across the top of your screen, there will be a glass of wine icon. Click on this icon and select "DOS Prompt" from the options.

Wine creates by default a fake windows environment on your Mac. By default the folder Wine uses as a C drive is located under: Macintosh HD\Users\"Your Admin Username"\Wine Files\drive_c

The Wine DOS Prompt will allow you to navigate inside of this folder using normal DOS commands. This includes being able to run the programs bevent.exe, box.exe, and bgame.exe

The Retrosheet software will need to be placed inside of the drive_c folder in order for them to be accessed by Wine. For example, to follow the step by step guide from here you would need to create your folder retro inside the "drive_c" folder(which you located earlier) to match the step by step guides creation of a folder "C:\retro". In Wine, a folder located as "drive_c"->"retro" will be listed as "C:\retro". A new folder can either be created by using Mac's Finder, or using the "mkdir retro" command at a DOS Prompt.

Once you have expanded the Retrosheet software somewhere in drive_c you will need to move to the working directory in the manner as listed in step 4 of the step by step guide.

From here on out, using the Wine Command Prompt is identical to using the DOS Command Prompt as explained in the Retrosheet step by step guide.

Page Updated: 03/04/2020

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